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Discover Your Path to Permanent Residency in New Zealand through Diverse Visa Opportunities. If you’re contemplating a move to New Zealand, delving into the array of resident visa options available could be of interest. New Zealand presents a spectrum of resident visas tailored for individuals aspiring to establish New Zealand as their permanent domicile. These include the Greenlist Skilled Resident Visas, The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, and Partnership-Based Resident Visas.

The Greenlist Skilled Resident Visa caters to skilled professionals with a job offer from a New Zealand employer, possessing the requisite skills and expertise to bolster New Zealand’s economy. This visa mandates securing employment in an occupation listed on either the Long Term Skill Shortage List or the Regional Skill Shortage List, alongside fulfilling specific health, character, and English language criteria.

The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa targets skilled professionals equipped with the necessary qualifications, experience, and attributes vital for contributing to New Zealand’s economic landscape. Eligibility hinges on submitting an Expression of Interest initially, detailing one’s skills, qualifications, and work background. If meeting the stipulated prerequisites, applicants receive an invitation to pursue the visa. The visa operates on a points-based system, evaluating factors such as age, work experience, qualifications, and English proficiency.

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The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve Jobs

The Partnership-Based Resident Visa accommodates partners of New Zealand citizens or residents aspiring to reside alongside their partners in New Zealand. Eligibility entails demonstrating a genuine and enduring relationship with one’s partner, alongside meeting specific health, character, and English language standards. While this visa pathway can culminate in permanent residency in New Zealand, adherence to certain conditions, such as residing with one’s partner in New Zealand for a stipulated duration, is imperative.

Our seasoned team of immigration consultants stands ready to provide comprehensive assistance, spanning from visa applications to job exploration and settlement aid. Reach out to us today to explore our services further and discover how we can facilitate your ambition of establishing roots in New Zealand.

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      Empowering dreams, simplifying immigration. Your trusted partner in study visa, job visa, and relocation solutions.
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      Unlocking New HorizonsVisa Nova
      Empowering dreams, simplifying immigration. Your trusted partner in study visa, job visa, and relocation solutions.
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      Visa Nova | Copyright 2024 | All rights reserved. | Developed by Nebula Infotech

      Visa Nova | Copyright 2024 | All rights reserved. | Developed by Nebula Infotech